In Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) the temporal and spatial characteristics of interferometric signatures collected from point targets are exploited to accurately map surface deformation histories, terrain heights, and relative atmospheric path delays. Our course addresses theoretical aspects of Persistent Scatterers Interferometry as well as practical approaches supported by GAMMA’s Interferometric Point Target Analysis (IPTA) Software module.


The course covers the following aspects

-       Principles of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry

-       Basic processing with IPTA (point identification, phase unwrapping, atmospheric phase model, etc.)

-       Advanced processing with IPTA (non-uniform motion, small stacks)


A brief introduction to SAR interferometric processing is planned at the beginning of the course.

This course is suited to participants who

-       are interested in PSI and would like to gain an insight on the IPTA processing approach

-       are familiar to IPTA but require more in depth knowledge of IPTA processing capabilities


The course will be held by GAMMA personnel. Course language is English.

SAR interferometry (InSAR) is an established technique that allows mapping terrain heights and surface deformation. Our course addresses theoretical aspects of SAR interferometric processing as well as practical approaches supported by GAMMA’s Software modules (ISP, DIFF&GEO). Topics related to SAR and InSAR processing will be treated (generation of interferogram, phase unwrapping, geocoding and differential interferometry).


The course covers the following aspects

-       Principles of SAR and interferometric SAR processing (theory)

-       Basic SAR and InSAR processing including geocoding (hands-on)

-       Advanced processing techniques (hands-on)

-       Practical examples (hands-on)


This course is suited to participants who

-       are interested in SAR interferometry and would like to learn processing with the GAMMA software

-       are familiar with InSAR processing using the GAMMA Software and require more in depth knowledge of the software processing capabilities


The course will be held by GAMMA personnel. Course language is English.