Coordinator Team
Prof. Paula López Martínez
University of Siegen
Office phone: +34 88181640
Paula López Martínez research interests include the design of mixed signal integrated circuits particularly CMOS image sensors and …
Amir Hosein Akbari
General Manager
University of Siegen Room: H-E 010
Phone: +49 (271) 740-2505
Amir Hosein Akbari finished his Bachelor degree in Industrial engineering and then starts …

Dr. Ing. Holger Nies
Speaker of Recruitment Comitee
University of Siegen
Room PB-H103
Phone: +49 (271)740-2759
Holger Nies is team leader of the SAR group of the ZESS and responsible for the HITCHHIKER project. Since 2010, he is executive director of …

Silvia Niet
Team Assistant
University of Siegen
Room PB-H102
Phone: +49 (271)740-3400
Silvia Niet is the team assistant in the MENELAOS_NT network. Since 2002 she has been in charge of the secretariate of the IPP MOSES doctoral …
Prof. Andreas Kolb
Andreas Kolb is head of the Computer Graphics and Multimedia Systems Group at the University of Siegen since 2003. His academic …

Prof. Otmar Loffeld
Former Coordinator
Otmar Loffeld received the Dr Eng degree and the habilitation degree in the field of digital signal processing and estimation theory both from …

Dr. Miguel Heredia Conde
Former General Manager
University of Siegen
Room PB-H106
Phone: +49 (271)740-2465
Miguel Heredia Conde received the Dr. Eng. degree in the field of sensor signal processing from the University of Siegen in 2016. In 2013, he joined …
Beneficiary and Partner Lead Scientists

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Knott
Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques FHR
Room: Building 1, R 2.07
Office phone: +49 228 9435-227
Prof. Dr. Peter Knott joined the Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques FHR (formerly FGAN e.V.) in Wachtberg, Germany, in 1994. From …
Prof. Yonina. C. Eldar
Weizmann Institute of Science
Room: 218 Ullman Building
Office phone: +972-8-934-3702
Prof. Yonina. C. Eldar is an Israeli professor of electrical engineering in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.
She was …
Prof. Andreas Kolb
Andreas Kolb is head of the Computer Graphics and Multimedia Systems Group at the University of Siegen since 2003. His academic …
Prof. Paula López Martínez
Centro Singular de Investigación en Tecnoloxías Inteligentes (CiTIUS)
Room: 110
Office phone: +34 88181640
Paula López Martínez research interests include the design of mixed signal integrated circuits particularly CMOS image sensors and …

Daniela Coltuc
University Politehnica of Bucharest – CEOSpaceTech
Room: P-101
Office phone: +049 (73) 9660 402
Daniela Coltuc received M.Sc, Ph.D degrees and habilitation in Electronics, telecommunications and information technology from University Politehnica of Bucharest …

Mihai Datcu
German Aerospace Center DLR – Earth Observation Center EOC
Building133 / Room102
Office phone: +49 8153 28 1388
Mihai Datcu received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electronics and Telecommunications from the University Politechnica Bucharest UPB, Romania, in 1978 and 1986. In…

Henrique Lorenzo
University of Vigo (UVigo)
Henrique Lorenzo received the Ph.D. in the field of geodesy and geophysics from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. From 1997 he is with the University of Vigo (UVigo), becoming …

Bernd Buxbaum
pmdtechnologies ag
Martinshardt 19
57074 Siegen
Office phone:
+49 271 238 712-800
Dr. Bernd Buxbaum is CEO at the pmdtechnologies ag and Executive Board Member at the ifm group of companies. He studied Microelectronics and …

Pedro Arias-Sánchez
INSITU Engineering / University of Vigo
217 Mining & Energy School
Office phone: ++34 986 813 645
Pedro Arias-Sánchez is Professor at the Applied Geotechnologies research group in the University of Vigo, and promoter of INSITU Engineering, university spin-off …

Iñigo Ederra
Public University of Navarra
Electric, Electronic and Communications Engineering Department
Office phone: ++34 948166039
Iñigo Ederra is Head of the Antenna Group, member of UPNA’s ISC and assistant professor at UPNA. He was visitor scientist at …
Early Stage Researchers (ESR’s)

Álvaro López Paredes
University of Siegen
Room: PB-H202
Office Phone: +49(271)740-xxx
Álvaro López Paredes will work in the field of Efficient very-wide-area Time-of-Flight 3D sensing by means of Adaptive Compressive Sensing. He …

Prithvi Laguduvan Thyagarajan
University of Siegen
Room: PB-H205
Office Phone : +49(271)740-4017
Prithvi Laguduvan Thyagarajan is the ERS 8 candidate working on Tomographic SAR data Reconstruction. Her goal is to …

Saravanan Nagesh
Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques FHR
Room: 0.10
Saravanan Nagesh graduated as a Masters in Electrical Engineering with …

Faisal Ahmed
University of Siegen
Room: PB-H023
Office Phone: +49(271)740-2260
Faisal Ahmed’s current research is focused on Indoor ToF 3D sensing exploiting light-based wireless communication infrastructure under …

Zhouyan Qiu
Ingeniería Insitu / University of Vigo
Room: LAB M222
Zhouyan Qiu is working now as an ESR in the field of mobile mapping applications of CS techniques at the University of Vigo …

Marco Jaklin
Room: Laboratory P1
Office phone: +34 8818 16443
Marco Jaklin works in the field of CMOS vision system for spatio-temporal event detection through deep learning tracking techniques …

Sanhita Guha
Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar
Room: 0.12
Office phone: +33 688069451
Sanhita Guha as an ESR will do investigate and develop adaptive methods of compressive sensing to overcome millimeter wave radar system …

Peyman Fayyaz Shahandashti
Room ID: P102b
Office phone: +34 88816444
Peyman Fayyaz Shahandashti role in the MENELAOS_NT project is the fabrication of CMOS ToF sensors with 2D/3D capa-bilities. His areas of …

Rabia Rashdi
Ingeniería Insitu / University of Vigo
Room: LAB M222
Rabia Rashdi’s role is to study and develop applications for CS validation in operating environments and particularly for urban asset modeling, indoor mapping and SLAM and forestry management …

Saqib Nazir
Polytechnic University of Bucharest – CEOSpaceTech Research Center
Room: P112
Office phone: +40 733 588 222
Saqib Nazir role in the Menelaos project is to acquire depth from defocus images using state of the art deep learning methods. His research…

Omid Ghozatlou
Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UPB) – CEOSpaceTech Research Center
Room: P102
Office phone: + 40 21 402 3807
Omid Ghozatlou role is about learning with adversarial samples for EO multi-spectral images. The project aims to provide solutions for deep learning for EO multi-spectral images in …

Reza Mohammadi Asiyabi
Polytechnic University of Bucharest – CEOSpaceTech Research Center
Room: P102a
Office phone: +40 (733) 494951
Reza Mohammadi Asiyabi will work on developing deep learning solutions for SAR data classification in presence of spontaneous adversarial samples. His …

Muhammad Amjad Iqbal
Polytechnic University of Bucharest(UPB) – CEOSpaceTech Research Center
Room: P102A
Office phone: + 40 737 080 210
Muhammad Amjad Iqbal role is about learning with adversarial samples for EO multi-spectral images, and to provide solutions for deep learning for EO multi-spectral images in the presence …

Adolphe Ndagijimana
Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA)
Room: Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica, Sala de Becarios 3
Office phone: +34 948 16 6044
Adolphe Ndagijimana is working as an ESR on Compressive Sensing and Imaging using THz data, within the MENELAOS NT project at UPNA. He obtained his …

Mobina Keymasi
Polytechnic University of Bucharest(UPB) – CEOSpaceTech Research Center)
Room: P102A
Office phone: +34 948 16 6044
Mobina Keymasi is a Ph.D. student at Politehnica University of Bucharest and the ESR 11 in the MENELAOS_NT project. Her research focuses is on goal-directed compressive radar imaging…
Prof. Otmar Loffeld
University of Siegen
Room: PB-H 101
Otmar Loffeld received the Dr Eng degree and the habilitation degree in the field of digital signal processing and estimation theory both from the University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany. Since 1991, he is a professor with the University of Siegen, working in the Center for Sensorsystems (ZESS), which he lead from 2005-2020. In 2002, he founded the International Postgraduate Program (IPP) “Multi Sensorics,” and in 2008 established the “NRW Research School on Multi Modal Sensor Systems for Environmental Exploration and Safety (MOSES)” at the University of Siegen. From January 2020 to January 2021 he was the scientific coordinator of the H2020 MSCA ITN “Multimodal Environmental Exploration Systems– Novel Technologies (MENELAOSNT)”, coordinated by the University of Siegen. His current research interests include Compressive Sensing, Kalman filtering, optimal filtering, estimation theory and process identification, SAR processing and simulation, SAR interferometry, and bistatic SAR processing. He is a member of ITG/VDE and IEEE/GRSS (senior).
Amir Hosein Akbari
General Manager
University of Siegen
Room: H-E 010
Amir Hosein Akbari completed his Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering and began his professional career working on projects as a Project Scheduler, Project Controller, and Project Manager in the fields of Oil and Gas, IT Infrastructure, and Mobile Telecommunications.
Dr. Miguel Heredia Conde
General Manager
University of Siegen
Room PB-H106
Phone: +49 (271)740-2465
Miguel Heredia Conde received the Dr. Eng. degree in the field of sensor signal processing from the University of Siegen in 2016. In 2013, he joined the Center for Sensorsystems (ZESS), at the University of Siegen. Since then he has also been a member of the DFG Research Training Group GRK 1564 ”Imaging New Modalities”. Since 2016 he is the leader of the research group “Compressive Sensing for the Photonic Mixer Device” and since 2020 also the general manager of the H2020-MSCA-ITN “MENELAOSNT”. His current research interests include Time-of-Flight imaging systems, such as those based on the Photonic Mixer Device (PMD), Compressive Sensing, Computational Imaging, and unconventional sensing. He is responsible for two lectures with focus on Compressive Sensing at the University of Siegen. He is a member of the IEEE and VDE-ITG professional societies, and a regular reviewer of top-level conferences (ICASSP, etc.), Elsevier and IEEE Transactions, Letters, and Journals, and of the DFG (German Research Foundation). He has been a visiting researcher at CiTIUS (Area of Artificial Vision), University of Santiago de Compostela, at the Faculty of Physics (Division of Information Optics), University of Warsaw, and at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London. He has also been an invited speaker at several talks and seminars and received several awards for his research work.
Dr. Ing. Holger Nies
Speaker of Recruitment Comitee
University of Siegen
Room PB-H103
Phone: +49 (271)740-2759
Holger Nies is team leader of the SAR group of the ZESS and responsible for the HITCHHIKER project. Since 2010, he is executive director of the doctoral program of ZESS. His current research interests include mono- and bistatic SAR analysis and mission design, SAR interferometry and passive radar systems.
Sivia Niet
Team Assistant
University of Siegen
Room PB-H102
Phone: +49 (271)740-3400
Silvia Niet is the team assistant in the MENELAOS_NT network. Since 2002 she has been in charge of the secretariate of the IPP and MOSES doctoral programs at ZESS.
She is currently taking over administrative tasks in the MENELAOS_NT network and is the contact partner for both the members of the network and the early researchers.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Knott
Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques FHR
Room: Building 1, R 2.07
Office Phone: +49 228 9435-227
Prof. Dr. Peter Knott joined the Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques FHR (formerly FGAN e.V.) in Wachtberg, Germany, in 1994. From 2005 until 2016 he was head of the Department “Antenna Technology and Electromagnetic Modelling (AEM)”, where the focus of his work was design and development of antenna arrays and active antenna front-ends as well as electromagnetic modelling and beamforming methods for conformal antenna arrays. Since 2016, he is Executive Director of the institute Fraunhofer FHR. He is currently holding a professorship of Radar Systems Engineering at RWTH Aachen University and is lecturer at different other organisations.
Prof. Yonina C. Eldar
Weizmann Institute of Science
Room: 218 Ullman Building
Office Phone: +972-8-934-3702
Prof. Yonina C. Eldar is an Israeli professor of electrical engineering in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.
She was previously a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Technion, where she held the Edwards Chair in Engineering. She is also a Visiting Professor at MIT, a Visiting Scientist at the Broad Institute, and an Adjunct Professor at Duke University and was a Visiting Professor at Stanford. She is a member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (elected 2017), an IEEE Fellow and a EURASIP Fellow.
She is author of the book “Sampling Theory: Beyond Bandlimited Systems” and co-author of the books “Information-Theoretic Methods in Data Science”, “Compressed Sensing in Radar Signal Processing”, “Compressed Sensing”, and “Convex Optimization Methods in Signal Processing and Communications”, all published by Cambridge University Press.
Her research interests include sampling methods and A/D design, compressed sensing, detection and estimation theory, optimization for signal processing, medical imaging, signal processing and optimization for communication systems, signal and image processing for optics, deep learning and graphs, computational biology.
Prof. Andreas Kolb
University of Siegen
Room: H-A 7108
Phone: +49 (271) 740-2404
Andreas Kolb is head of the Computer Graphics and Multimedia Systems Group at the University of Siegen since 2003. His academic background is computer graphics and visualization. He received his Ph.D. at the University of Erlangen in 1995 under supervision of Prof. H.-P. Seidel. Prior to his position at the University of Siegen, he was Professor for computer graphics at the University of Applied Sciences Wedel near Hamburg. Prof. Kolb is member of the Center for Sensor Systems (ZESS) at the University of Siegen (since 2005), of ACM/SIGGRAPH (since 2002), Eurographics Association (since 2001) and of Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI, since 1998). From October 2009 until September 2018 Prof. Kolb was the spokesman of the Research Traing Group 1564 “Imaging New Modilities”, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (link is external). From beginning of 2011 until end of January 2015 he was Vice Dean for Research and Junior Scientists of the Faculty for Science and Technology of the University of Siegen.
Paula López Martínez
Centro Singular de Investigación en Tecnoloxías Inteligentes (CiTIUS)
Room: 110
Office Phone: +34 881816406
Paula López Martínez research interests include the design of mixed signal integrated circuits particularly CMOS image sensors and energy harvesters for biomedical applications, and the physical modeling of electronic devices. As a result, she has authored or coauthored more than 80 peer-reviewed scientific papers in these areas. She has also participated in the organization of several national and international conferences. She is an IEEE member and has served as Treasury of the IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Spain from 2006 to 2008. Sine February 2021 she is the scientific coordinator of the H2020 MSCA ITN “Multimodal Environmental Exploration Systems– Novel Technologies (MENELAOSNT)”, coordinated by the University of Siegen
Daniela Coltuc
University Politehnica of Bucharest – CEOSpaceTech
Room: P-101
Office Phone: +049 (73) 9660 402
Daniela Coltuc received M.Sc, Ph.D. degrees and habilitation in Electronics, telecommunications and information technology from University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania. She is currently full professor with this university. She has served also as invited professor at Université Jean Monet in St. Etienne, Université de Lyon, France, and was invited researcher with the Laboratoire d’Automatique et Microinformatique Industrielle, Annecy, France, and Université Lyon 2. In 2012, she joined the Research Center for Space Information CEOSpaceTech, Bucharest. She has a sound background in Information theory with applications in image processing. In the recent years, she has worked in computational imaging.
Mihai Datcu
German Aerospace Center DLR – Earth Observation Center EOC
Oberpfaffenhofen, D-82234 Wessling
Building 133 / Room 102
Office Phone: +49 8153 28 1388
Mihai Datcu received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electronics and Telecommunications from the University Politechnica Bucharest UPB, Romania, in 1978 and 1986. In 1999 he received the title Habilitation à diriger des recherches in Computer Science from University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France. Currently he is Senior Scientist and Data Intelligence and Knowledge Discovery research group leader with the Remote Sensing Technology Institute (IMF) of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, Professor with the Department of Applied Electronics and Information Engineering, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, and director of the Research Center for Spatial Information, CEOSpaceTech, UPB. From 1992 to 2002 he had a longer Invited Professor assignment with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich. From 2005 to 2013 he has been Professor holder of the DLR-CNES Chair at ParisTech, Paris Institute of Technology, Telecom Paris. His interests are in Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Computational Imaging and applications of Quantum resources for space applications. He received in 2006 the Best Paper Award, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Prize, in 2008 the National Order of Merit with the rank of Knight, for outstanding international research results, awarded by the President of Romania, and in 1987 the Romanian Academy Prize Traian Vuia for the development of SAADI image analysis system and activity in image processing. He has been holder of 2017 Blaise Pascal International Chair of Excellence for Data Science. He is IEEE Fellow.
Henrique Lorenzo
University of Vigo (UVigo)
Henrique Lorenzo received the PhD in the field of geodesy and geophysics from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. From 1997 he is with the University of Vigo (UVigo), becoming a professor in 2019. His research activities are focussed on geomatic techniques as remote sensing and ground-penetrating radar. He is experienced developing research projects in the field of geomatics, having published about 150 scientific contributions in international journals/meetings. From 2017 he is the head of the PhD programme Geotechnologies Applied to Construction, Energy and Industry at UVigo.
Bernd Buxbaum
CEO at the pmdtechnologies ag and Executive Board Member at the ifm group of companies
The SUMMIT, Martinshardt 19, 57074 Siegen
Office phone: +49 271 238 712 -800
Dr. Bernd Buxbaum studied Microelectronics and Business Administration at Darmstadt University of Technology as well as University of Siegen and received his Ph.D. in Optoelectronics in 2002. He is founding CEO/CTO of the pmdtechnologies ag, the world’s leading supplier of 3D image sensor technologies based on the Time-of-Flight principle.
He is also an entrepreneur and investor in high-tech companies as well as member of several supervisory boards and lecturer at Universities.
Iñigo Ederra
INSITU Engineering / University of Vigo
217 Mining & Energy School
Office phone, +34 986 813 645
Pedro Arias-Sánchez is Professor at the Applied Geotechnologies research group in the University of Vigo, and promoter of INSITU Engineering, university spin-off. His teaching and research activities are focussed on Geomatic Techniques, Close Range Photogrammetry, LiDAR systems, Mobile systems, Mobile LiDAR Systems. He has a large experience developing research projects that range from bridge evaluation from remote sensing technologies, management of railway infrastructures, application of BIM to road modelling, energy models for smart cities, etc. He was a member of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (secretary of LiDAR working group). He has published more than 200 articles in prestigious journals (h-index 39, with more than 4900 citations).
Iñigo Ederra
Public University of Navarra
Electric, Electronic and Communications Engineering Department
Room: 2005
Office phone, +34 948166039
Iñigo Ederra is Head of the Antenna Group, member of UPNA’s ISC and assistant professor at UPNA. He was visitor scientist at ESA-ESTEC (The Netherlands) and RAL (UK) working in different areas of THz technology. He has been involved in more than 80 search projects and contracts (PI in 16 of them) and published more than 80 papers in peer reviewed journals. He holds 2 patents and is cofounder of the spin-off company Anteral.
His research interests include metamaterials and THz imaging.
Álvaro López Paredes
University of Siegen
Room: PB-H202
Office Phone: +49(271)740-xxx
Álvaro López Paredes wil work in the field of Efficient very-wide-area Time-of-Flight 3D sensing by means of Adaptive Compressive Sensing. He graduated as a Masters in Aerospace Engineering by the Technical University of Madrid. In addition, he completed a Master’s Degree in Numerical Simulation majoring in Solid Mechanics and a Specialist’s Degree in Numerical Simulation majoring in Fluid Mechanics, both by Technical University of Madrid in collaboration with ANSYS.
He has an extensive experience in the Oil and Gas sector with special focus on the structural analysis of offshore pipelines and subsea infrastructure. Furthermore, he was a member of the Unit of Excellence Maria de Maeztu at CIEMAT, Madrid, between 2017 and 2019, where he participated, as a Mechanical Engineer, in the structural design, test and pre-commissioning of the LST-1 camera for the CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array) Project.
His areas of interest include Numerical Simulation (Finite Element Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics), Signal Processing, Compressed Sensing, Time-of-Flight imaging systems, and 2D/3D imaging with special focus on very wide area imaging.
Prithvi Laguduvan Thyagarajan
University of Siegen
Room: PB-H205
Office Phone : +49(271)740-4017
Prithvi Laguduvan Thyagarajan Prithvi Laguduvan Thyagarajan is the ERS 8 candidate working on Tomographic SAR data Reconstruction. Her goal is to explore novel compressive sensning methods for remote sensing 3D imaging. She received her M.Sc. degree in 2019 in Signals and Systems from the Technical University of Delft. She graduated with a thesis focusing on exploring the design and performance analysis of STEREOID which is one of the candidates of ESA’s Earth Explorer 10 mission. She received her in Telecommunications Engineering from Visvesvaraya Technological University in 2016 Bangalore, India. She worked as a research assistant for the Center for airborne systems (2016-2017) in the field of signal processing for AESA based SAR. Her research interests include SAR, Array Processing, Radar Imaging, Radar Polarimetry and Remote Sensing.
Saravanan Nagesh
Saravanan Nagesh graduated as a Masters in Electrical Engineering with track specialisation in Signal and Systems, from the Technical University of Delft , The Netherlands in 2019, his thesis focused on the identification and analysis of features in extended moving targets on Range Doppler space using Multi Target Tracking. TU Delft’s in house Radar PARSAX data was used for the study . Prior to his Master, he worked as Senior Engineer, at Robert Bosch in the Vehicle Safety Department , dealing with Active and Passive Safety systems from 2015-2017, and as Research Fellow at the Centre for Airborne Systems as a part of India’s indigenous AWACS program, dealing with studies related to performance analysis for Co-located V/UHF radios and high power filter amplifiers from 2013-2015
His areas of interest include Array Signal Processing, Radar Systems, Cognitive Radars , Autonomous Driving, Target Tracking and Classification.
Faisal Ahmed
University of Siegen
Room: PB-H205
Office Phone : +49(271)740-4017
Faisal Ahmed is working as an Early Stage Researcher and a doctoral student at University of Siegen, Germany. His current research is focused on Indoor ToF 3D sensing exploiting light-based wireless communication infrastructure under the umbrella of ‘MENELAOS-NT’ project. Explicitly, he is trying to investigate the potential of visible light communication infrastructure that has already been installed in indoor environments. The joint approach of light-based infrastructure and 3D ToF imaging will be used to develop a system that can sense three -dimensional position and access to variety of applications that can facilitate the people. Before joining this project, he was a Visiting Lecturer at University of Sindh, Pakistan. He completed his master’s degree in Telecommunication Engineering and Management from the Mehran UET in 2019. With joint collaboration in context of Erasmus exchange scholarships between Mehran UET and University of Malaga, Spain. He got an opportunity to complete his master thesis as an Erasmus exchange student. The focus of his research was indoor visible light communication via LEDs. Mr. Ahmed graduated in Telecommunication Engineering from Mehran UET, Pakistan in 2016. Besides, he worked as an internee for one-year at Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited. Where he got significant experience, communicating and collaborating with people at all stages within the organization. His research interests include light based wireless communication, Time of Flight imaging, compressive sensing and indoor 3D sensing.
Zhouyan Qiu
Ingeniería Insitu / University of Vigo
Room: LAB M222
Zhouyan Qiu is now a doctoral student at the University of Vigo. Getting her Master’s degree in Geomatics Engineering at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, she has professional knowledge of Remote Sensing. Her Master thesis focused on geometry-based rail track detection and blocking scenarios identification using deep learning. She received her bachelor’s degree in Remote sensing from Wuhan University in Wuhan, China.
As an Early Stage Researcher in the ‘MENELAOS-NT’ project, she is now working in the field of Mobile mapping applications of CS techniques in collaboration with Ingeniería Insitu in Vigo. Her research interests include Remote Sensing, Point clouds, Compressed Sensing, and 2D/3D Sensors for High Precision Cartography and Applications.
Marko Jaklin
CiTIUS (Centro Singular de Investigación en Tecnoloxías Intelixentes)
Room: Laboratory P1
Office phone: +34 8818 16443
I’m Marko Jaklin I graduated Physics in 2019. from University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science. For my Master Thesis research I investigated thermosalient phenomenon in thermosalient crystals using X-ray diffraction, DTA and optical hot-stage microscopy. After graduation, I spent six months on the Institute of Physics in Zagreb investigating deep learning algorithms to process images from variety of imaging techniques such as optical microscopy and scanning probe microscopy.
My role in the MENELAOS project is to design CMOS vision system for spatio-temporal event detection through deep learning tracking techniques.
My interests include: deep learning, IC design, solid-state physics.
Sanhita Guha
Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar
Room: 0.12
I’m Sanhita Guha I graduated in 2020 as a Masters in Electronics and Computer Engineering with a specialization in Telecommunications, from Georgia Institute of Technology. For my Master’s thesis, I have worked on lab automation and coding-on-electronics at Schlumberger. Prior to Masters, I have done internships on antenna development and design of RF power meters.
My role in the Menelaos project is to investigate and develop adaptive methods of compressive sensing to overcome millimeter wave radar system limitation in bandwidth.
My research interests are: compressive sensing, SAR, machine learning
Peyman Fayyaz Shahandashti
Centro Singular de Investigación en Tecnoloxías Intelixentes (CiTIUS)
Room ID: P102b
Office phone: +34 88816444
Peyman Fayyaz Shahandashti received his B.Sc. and M.Sc in Electrical Engineering, Electronics from Iran University of Science and Technology, and Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), re-spectively. His master thesis focused on fabricating polymer-based stretchable electrodes with high comfortability to the human body for biopotential monitoring. During his master’s, he was a research assistant in the semiconductor research lab, where he worked on physics and fabrication of MEMS and semiconductor devices.
His role in the MENELAOS project is the fabrication of CMOS ToF sensors with 2D/3D capa-bilities. His areas of interest include IC design, CMOS Sensors, Solid-state physics, MEMS, and Microfabrication.
Rabia Rashdi
Ingeniería Insitu / University of Vigo
Room: LAB M222
Rabia Rashdi is now a doctoral student and Early Stage Researcher at University of Vigo, Spain. She did her Masters in Mechatronics Engineering and Bachelors in Electronic Engineering from Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan. In her Master thesis she presented a detail mathematical model of a quadcopter and designed a controller for the rotational dynamics of a quadcopter and validated the results on MATLAB. She has worked as lecturer in the Dawood University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan. During her masters, she was selected for Erasmus Mundus Exchange program in the Department of Automation and Robotics at Technische Universitaet Dortmund, Germany. Her role as an Early Stage Researcher in the MENELOAS-NT Project is to study and develop applications for CS validation in operating environments and particularly for urban asset modeling, indoor mapping and SLAM and forestry management. Her areas of interest include control systems, mathematical modeling, and compressive sensing and machine learning.
Reza Mohammadi Asiyabi
Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UPB) – CEOSpaceTech Research Center
Room ID: P102a
Office phone: +40 (733) 494951
Reza Mohammadi Asiyabi will work as the ESR15 of the MENELAOS-NT project on developing deep learning solutions for SAR data classification in presence of spontaneous adversarial samples. His main focus will be on the scarcity of large-scale labeled SAR datasets and the challenges of semantically interpreting the SAR backscatter signal.
Reza has received his M.Sc. degree in Remote Sensing Engineering in 2018 and B.Sc. degree in Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering in 2016 both from K.N. Toosi University of Technology (KNTU), Tehran, Iran. He also worked as a researcher in the Remote Sensing research center at the KNTU in the field of SAR data classification and semantic analysis. His research interests include Remote Sensing, SAR data classification, Content-based Analysis, Machine Learning, and Earth Observation Applications.
Saqib Nazir
Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UPB) – CEOSpaceTech Research Center
Room ID: P122
Office phone: +40 733 588 222
I am Saqib Nazir, I received my Masters and Bachelors’s Degree in Computer Science from COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan. For my Master’s thesis, I worked on a project in collaboration with Medical Imaging and Diagnostic Lab (MIDL) affiliated with the National Center of Artificial Intelligence (NCAI). The aim of this project is to provide Computer Aided Diagnostics (CAD) system solutions using advanced Computer Vision and Deep Learning techniques (e.g., Discriminative Models and Generative Models specifically Generative Adversarial Networks).
My role in the Menelaos project is to acquire depth from defocus images using state of the art deep learning methods. My research interests are: ‘Computer Vision, Image analysis, Machine & Deep Learning`.
Omid Ghozatlou
Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UPB) – CEOSpaceTech Research Center
Room ID: P102
Office phone: +40 21 402 3807
I am Omid Ghozatlou, I was born in Qods, Tehran in 1991. I received my bachelor’s degree in power Electri-cal Engineering in 2015 from Shahid Rajaee University. In 2019 I graduated in Biomedical Engineering at Electrical Engineering Faculty of the University of Tehran. My master thesis was “Patient-specific jaws model estimation by a SIFT algorithm in Multislice CT images”. After graduation, I spent 5 months in the Image Engineering Lab at the University of Tehran to apply Deep Learning for Dental Computerized To-mography images to tooth detection. My research interests include deep learning, machine vision, image processing, programming, and artificial intelligence.
My role in the MENELAOS project is about learning with adversarial samples for EO multi-spectral images. The project aims to provide solutions for deep learning for EO multi-spectral images in the presence of naturally occurring adversarial samples and also considering their physical nature and models.
Muhammad Amjad Iqbal
Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UPB) – CEOSpaceTech Research Center
Room ID: P102
Office phone: + 40 737 080 210
Muhammad Amjad Iqbal role is about learning with adversarial samples for EO multi-spectral images, and to provide solutions for deep learning for EO multi-spectral images in the presence of naturally occurring adversarial samples and also considering their physical nature and models.
He comes from Pakistan and he obtained his Master’s degree in Communication and Information Systems Engineering from Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China, with a thesis on “UAV Localization in Space domain and detection based on Spectral features”.
Presently he is involved in the study and development of focusing of moving distributed targets, as particular ocean waves in SAR images.
The contributions of his thesis will be of relevance for enhancing the valorization of the existing SAR observations, as those of Sentinel 1, and also for enhanced exploitation of next generations of RADAR sensors.
Adolphe Ndagijimana
Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA)
Room ID: Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica, Sala de Becarios 3
Office phone: +34 948 16 6044
Adolphe Ndagijimana is working as an ESR on Compressive Sensing and Imaging using THz data, within the MENELAOS NT project at UPNA. He obtained his Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Melon University and a Bachelor of Science in Engineering ( Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering) from the University of Rwanda. He counts with previous experience as Research and Development Engineer at IRCAD (Institute of Research Against the Digestive Cancer), in the Surgical Data Science Team, where they use Augmented/Virtual Reality, Machine Learning, Signal Processing, and Robotics to improve the Minimally Invasive Surgery and its accessibility. Other previous positions include Software Developer, IT and Electronics Officer, Teaching Assistant, and Software Engineer.
Mobina Keymasi
Polytechnic University of Bucharest(UPB) – CEOSpaceTech Research Center
Room ID:P102A
Office phone: + 40 720 328 136
Mobina Keymasi is a Ph.D. student at Politehnica University of Bucharest and the ESR 11 in the MenelaosNT project. Her research focuses is on goal-directed compressive radar imaging. She will utilize artificial intelligence techniques to classify scenes and objects more effectively.
She holds a Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Biomedical Engineering from Sepahan Science and Technology Institute of Higher Education, as well as a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Biomedical Engineering from Islamic Azad University of Tehran Medical Branch. Her research interests include artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, radar signal processing, and radar image processing.