ZESS - Zentrum für Sensorsysteme Universität Siegen
The University of Siegen currently has ca. 19.675 students, 251 professors, 1026 scientific staff and 727 technical and administrative staff. ZESS is a central scientific research institute of the Faculty for Natural Sciences and Engineering at USI, and has acquired expertise and leadership in the fields of sensor development, signal processing and integration into complex industrial manufacturing and process engineering. Special fields of expertise comprise contactless 2D/3D-ToF imaging, including PMD technology and Terahertz Imaging…

CEOSpace Tech - University Politehnica of Bucharest UPB
University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB) is the most prestigious technical university in Romania, with a tradition of almost 2oo years. At present, it includes 15 engineering schools with profiles ranging from electronics and automatic control to mechanics and chemistry. Founded as a research center within UPB, CEOSpaceTech undertakes scientific research and technology development projects in compliance with the priorities of Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) and European Space Agency (ESA) addressing innovative concepts, solutions and advanced tools for European Earth Observation Systems. CEOSpaceTech competences include technologies for RADAR and optical sensors, signal processing, data mining of remote sensing images and Big Data…
Weizmann Institute of Science
The Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS) is one of the world’s leading multidisciplinary research institutions. The research carried out in the Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty ranges from abstract and theoretical studies within mathematics and computer science, through using and applying mathematics and computer science in other sciences, to their application in concrete industrial developments….

pmdtec - pmdtechnologies ag
pmdtechnologies ag (pmdtec), a fabless IC company based in Siegen/Germany, Dresden/Germany and San Jose/USA, is the worldwide leading 3D Time-of-Flight CMOS-based digital imaging technology supplier. Started up in 2002, the company owns over 150 worldwide patents concerning pmd-based applications, the pmd measurement principle and its realization. Addressed markets for pmd’s 3D sensors are industrial automation, automotive, and the wide field of consumer applications like AR/VR…

DLR - Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt German Aerospace Center
DLR activities will include:
- Hosting and directing of PhD students
- Provide advanced courses, organize scientific seminars and workshops
- Support and conduct research in data science, smart data, and satellite imaging
Bild: TerraSAR-X und TanDEM-X Bild 1/3, Quelle: DLR

FHR - Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques
The Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques FHR is part of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Europe’s largest application-oriented research organization. FHR is one of the largest radar research institutes in Europe, with a budget of €32.5 million in 2015 and more than 300 employees. Fraunhofer FHR develops concepts, methods and systems for electromagnetic sensors, particularly in the field of radar, together with innovative signal processing methods and state-of-the-art technology in the microwave to the lower terahertz frequency range. FHR is internationally acknowledged and covers almost every aspect of modern radar technology…

SPIS and CEDA - Sabanci University SUI
The Signal Processing and Information Systems (SPIS) Laboratory is a research group within the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences (FENS) at Sabanci University (SUI). SPIS has expertise in statistical signal processing, computational imaging, and machine learning. Specific areas of current research include sparsity-driven radar imaging, biomedical image analysis, shape-based image segmentation, microscopic neuroimage analysis, object recognition, brain-computer and brain-machine interfaces, and statistical and computational machine learning. Within this context, the overarching theme of SPIS research is the development of probabilistic methods for robust and efficient information extraction at various levels of abstraction from observed uncertain, complex data…

GAMMA - Gamma Remote Sensing
Gamma Remote Sensing and Consulting AG (GAMMA) is an innovative Swiss corporation (Aktiengesellschaft – AG) located near Bern, Switzerland. GAMMA works in the fields of radar remote sensing, data processing, interferometry, application development, research and microwave hardware development. GAMMA sells its state of the art SAR, InSAR, DInSAR, and PSI software licenses and gives related trainings.
GAMMA is involved in several R&D projects, e.g. under contracts with the European Space Agency (ESA), on topics as the development of a wide-band terrestrial scatterometer, the retrieval of relevant environmental parameters using satellite SAR based techniques, and the investigation of scattering characteristics….

CINTECX. Research Center of Industrial Technologies and Processes. University of Vigo

INSITU’s main fields of work are engineering, ICT, as well as innovation and training. INSITU operates and develops Lidar Mobile Mapping Systems, UAVs, Terrestrial Laser Scanners, Georadar and Thermography systems and, in conjunction with its GIS mapping software, provides multiple mobile testbeds and application training and validation for the sensors, sensor systems and processing approaches of MENELAOSNT. The training received at INSITU directly embeds sensors and sensor systems into real geo-exploration projects with very heterogeneous user communities, ranging, e.g., from telecommunication network providers, land surveying, road planning and building organizations, road traffic departments, urban planning and development organizations and companies, to private users….

CITIUS - Research Center in Information Technology University of Santiago de Compostela
The University of Santiago de Compostela (USC, 1495), hosts ~25,000 undergraduate students and more than 3,000 PhD students. Being recognized as International Campus of Excellence for the Campus Vida strategic research program (Spanish Ministry of Education), it has the infrastructure facilities and human resources needed for the training of young researchers.
CiTIUS, the Research Centre in Intelligent Technologies, is part of the Singular Research Centres Network of the Campus Vida. The Centre hosts more than 100 researchers, including 31 senior researchers and more than 50 PhD researchers. CiTIUS research activity is organized into 8 scientific programmes: 1. Autonomous sensors; 2. Advanced computing; 3. E-health; 4. Approximate processing; 5. Personal Robots; 6. Machine Learning; 7. Natural language technologies and 8. Artificial Vision. In the last 4 years (2016-2019), CiTIUS published over 150 articles in indexed journals (SCI-Scopus), 66% of them in the first quartile, and defended 38 PhD thesis. In the same period, the Centre attracted funding of over 10,5 M€, of which more than 2,7 M€ from projects in collaboration with the industry sector.

AMO - Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mikro- und Optoelektronik mbH
AMO GmbH, a German non-profit high-tech SME with 36 employees, runs a 200 mm pilot line and specializes in R&D for micro- and optoelectronic applications. The mission is to demonstrate innovative technologies for nanoelectronics and nanophotonics, including their implementation in novel devices architectures, prototyping and small volume fabrication. A broad base of advanced semiconductor process technologies is available….

Public University of Navarra – UPNA
The Public University of Navarra (UPNA), an International Campus of Excellence, is a young academic institution that heads the list of Spanish universities in terms of teaching quality and capacity to attract new students.
Within UPNA’s Institute of Smart Cities, the Antenna Group is a research group that has been actively working on different areas of applied electromagnetics, including THz imaging, for more than 20 years. Their expertise covers from basic research in metamaterials and antenna theory to development of different THz subsystem: antennas, components, receivers. In the field of THz imaging their activity has been oriented towards industrial applications of mmw and THz technology.