CoSeRa 2024 is approaching soon!

The 6th International Workshop on the Theory of Computational Sensing and its applications to Radar, Multimodal Sensing, and Imaging (CoSeRa 2024) co-sponsored by MENELAOS_TN project, will be held in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) on September 18-20, 2024.

In recent years, the huge increase in processor performance together with the development of new algorithms such as compressive sensing, machine learning and artificial intelligence have led to a new sphere of sensor technology with impressive capabilities in recent years.

The 6th CoSeRa will address the theoretical background on the one hand, and the application to various sensor systems on the other. It will offer a forum to discuss the current state of progress, exchange ideas for further developments and forge lasting connections within the community.

The main subjects are structured into the blocks

  • Fundamentals, mathematical aspects, algorithms of computational sensing
  • Applications of computational sensing
  • System design and hardware for computational sensing
  • Quality evaluation
  • Application of matrix decomposition and tensor-based approach for sensor systems

The Organizing committee worked on an ambitious and exciting program that seeks the interaction of seasoned experts with incipient PhD and M.Sc. students. This program includes full-paper presentations, abstracts and live demo sessions as well as four outstanding Keynote Speakers:

Keynote I: Theoretical Foundations of Feature Learning, Mahdi Soltanolkotabi

Keynote II: Near-field Radar Imaging โ€“ From Physics-Based to Learning-Based Frameworks, Fauzia Ahmad

Keynote III: Visual information cues from a CMOS front-end sensor chip, Ricardo Carmona Galรกn

Keynote IV: On generating image and video hallucinations, Sabine Sรผsstrunk

We look forward to welcome you in Santiago de Compostela, a UNESCO World Heritage city that has fascinated countless travelers, pilgrims or not, over the centuries and will surely leave a lasting impression in you as well.


MENELAOS_NT Closing Event

The MENELAOS_NT closing event is a satellite event of CoSeRa2024. It will start on Sep. 20th at 14:30. See programm on for details